Monday 1 November 2010

Turning the dream into a reality - PT2 by customer Cy Pearson

My story on why I decided to start riding, and what happened after that! (part 2)

So I've seen the machine I want I've even got approval via a photo from she who must be obeyed in terms of bike style and even the colour but it was important for me to get Sam really brought into the idea, I was about to blow a whole stash of cash just for my selfish reasons but I was also hoping that she might get the bug, even if only a little, because I'd love her join me and get on the back.

I packed all those who where interested in having a look at the bike I've got my eye on into the car and headed back to StreetBike - I'd been there a lot lately on my own, many detours on the way back home from work so most people in there knew me quite well by now but I dont think Sam spotted it...

Down to brass tacks with me old buddy Charlie, got the finance sorted, got a quote and then options... options... hadn't thought about that, more decisions but not too many thankfully. Full or half faired, ABS or not ABS and what training, don't forget I cant actually ride this thing yet. We, yes we, went for fully faired and with ABS, and we went for CBT, with 4 days training including the Mod 1 and 2 tests, so that meant me old mate Charlie had to re-do the finance. Someone definitely approved, Jasmine (see pic), my youngest loved the bike as did Abbie my eldest who also can't wait to get on the back - she's 14 and thinks its cool, Holly, 12, stayed at home as she thinks Im an idiot.

The deal was done, I'd brought a brand new '10 plate motorbike, it was August so it wasn't going to come for a while but at least I could book my training. Streetbike were having a party with a DJ that ended at 1am on 1st Sept so those buying '10 plate bikes could ride off into the night on their new bike... but not me, while my CBT was at the end of August the training and tests were not till well into September.

August 28th, 8am start for my CBT. I'd done a CBT years ago when they first came in, there was no radio comms between the riders and instructors in those days and there was about 6 of us when we went out on the street. This one was far more civilised, 2 instructors (Paul and George) and three new riders. I was the oldest by at least a decade, one fella was being practical, he'd brought a new 125 to make it cheaper to go to work and there was a 16 year old lad who wanted a scooter, mine was just a toy for dry days - hey that's the perks of age.

We spent the morning on the pad getting used to the bikes, some things came rushing back to me from my first CBT other things felt quite alien but I soon got used to it and felt quite at home on the bike. Bacon butties in the cafe for lunch and then we were going to be allowed on the big scary roads. The younger fella went off with Paul and George looked after the two of us on 125's - it was fantastic! Had to get used to some practical things like lining up on the road properly and cancelling the indicators (I owe George a few Mars bars for that - that was the penalty for leaving them on). We all passed and were handed of slips of paper to get on the road, the young fella's dad was buying him a scooter that day and the other fella had to wait till the 1st Sept but he'd be off on his bike that night. I had to wait for my bike to be delivered to home and I still couldn't ride it.


Next the training and the tests...


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