Monday 1 November 2010

How I took on life on two wheels: The lead up to the decision Pt.1 by Customer Cy Pearson

My story on why I decided to start riding, and what happened after that! (part 1)

So Christmas has gone and we are once again in the bleakness of a cold January and once again, as I have for the last 23 years decided that this is the year that I will definitely take my bike test and get me a little something to ride around on. Clearly this was met with the usual round of "you say that every year", but this year was different, this year I was turning 40 and there was a certain determined feel to what I said.

By now it was about April, still no bike and still no bookings for lessons or tests, but on an afternoon off I was following a van with a sign £99 a month including training (OK so when you get there you don't want what they have to offer and you want less deposit so it all changes but doesn't it always) - it was Stratstone Harley dealer in Wolverhampton and the bike was an 883 (pictured above). It was a bit intimidating at first walking into a Harley shop or indeed and bike shop, I had no idea about the ranges or even how to ride a bike, what would I say, Im gonna look like a right numpty. They were great, talked about the options, accessories, clothing, sat on a few bikes and settled on an 883 (pictured) It looked ideal, the wife would go for it as it wasn't a sports bike and it looked like a cruiser so surely she'll be happy and wont think I'm going to ride like a lunatic.

I was wrong, she was very anti Harley or any type of chopper, she much preferred what she called proper bikes where you lean forward not backwards, "thats not what you want" she scowled... I have to admit I was disappointed and pleased - disappointed because I was still no closer to a bike yet pleased as I preferred bikes with a fairing to them too and had probably settled on the 883 as I thought she'd go for it. But she was now engaged in the subject of me getting a bike and almost seemed interested.
But more time passed and no bike, no lessons and no test, I'd gone 40 in June, I was looking at loads of web sites for bikes, reading up on specs and peoples views and was even more determined to do something. I ventured into StreetBike in Halesowen, again a bit intimidated by so may different bikes, the Harley shop was pretty much a bunch of similar looking bikes, but here there were off roaders, small scooters, large scooters, tourers, absolute sports bikes, what do you do where do I look.

Again I clearly looked like a numpty newbie and was approached by a chap in a Streebike shirt - "Need any help" Charlie said, "Oh, I really do" I said. I must have spent 2 hours with Charlie asking all the daft questions, how does this work, whats that, is that better or worse then that, what do you ride, he must have thought he'd just landed the village idiot to try to sell a bike to.

Then I saw it, and it just fit my image of a bike, and just what I could see my self riding, it was a Yamaha XJ6 F ABS (pictured), all that remained was to see if I could really afford it now and of course convince her in doors it was a great idea....


Next Blogpost from CY... Turning the Dream into Reality...


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