Thursday 19 August 2010


Every year we hold a special exclusive party only for everyone who has bought a bike on a new plate. This year YOU’RE ALL INVITED

Enjoy the Music…
DOWNSTAIRS – Rockin’ DJ Set by Luke Wilkins from Kerrang
UPSTAIRS - Live Acoustic Set from our own Vince Alcorn : prepare to be surprised

Share the Fun…
FREE Goody bags for 1st 100 through the door
FREE Hot Pork Baps for the 1st 250 through the door
FREE Digital Camera to our “on the night” competition winner
CHEER our Hardy 60 plate riders as they ride off at Midnight

Ask the Experts…
We’re opening up our workshop and our top techs will be on hand to answer all the questions you’ve been too embarrassed to ask. From tyre pressures to chain adjustment. From Cleaning Properly to Suspension “Sag” and Set up, Power Commanders to Yoshi boxes. Don’t be shy – ask away

PLUS this one amazing offer…
GO 60 NOW !
Until 30th September, you can “steal” any new Yamaha XJ-Series bike and enjoy a staggering 60 MONTHS (that's 5 Years ! ) zero percent finance, and just £99 deposit. That means a new XJ6 Diversion comes in at £97 a month.
The Word Affordable doesn’t come close !


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