Monday 29 August 2011

Want to help raise money for the Jack McMahon Appeal…

88 (3) (1)Every year TT nut Peter Hogg goes to the island and takes, literally, thousands of photos…

Last couple of years we’ve uploaded the lot to our StreetbikeUK Flickr site for you to enjoy too…

This year Pete’s picked some of his favourites, had ‘em blown up, and has given the lot to us to raise money for the Jack McMahon appeal…

All Pictures only £5 each…
Pick the picture you want…
Put the cash in the box in the Café…

Don’t worry about getting it home – we’ve got envelopes, just ask…


1 comment:

TimmR said...

Loving the sidecar shots ... Hanging your arse out, an inch off the ground, at 140mph is too much LOL Even for a "boy" racer like me!

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