Wednesday 30 March 2011

Changes to the MOD1 Motorcycle Test...

The government is working with the motorcycle industry to review the delivery and content of the current motorcycle test. This work (along with DSAs ongoing monitoring and review process of all tests) has identified a number of minor changes that can be quickly introduced before the main review is finished.

Here's an outline of the minor changes that the DSA intends to introduce to the MOD1 test with effect from
16 May 2011.

Change to the Sequence of the Manoeuvres
This has been done so that all the slow speed elements will be carried out before the higher speed exercises. This will allow candidates to demonstrate the necessary competence in motorcycle control before moving onto the more demanding manoeuvres.

• Manual handling
• Slow control steering (slalom and figure of eight)
• Slow ride: this will be observed as the candidate rides to the next exercise
• U-turn
• Circuit bend and controlled stop carried out between 30km/h and 50km/h (about 20mph to 30mph) followed by a controlled stop in the area marked by the four blue cones; speed not  measured
• Cornering and emergency stop; speed measured
• Cornering, avoidance exercise and controlled stop; speed measured

Controlled Stop
This provides an opportunity for candidates to ride the circuit bend of the motorcycle manoeuvring area before coming to a controlled stop. There will not be a minimum speed requirement to this manoeuvre which will allow the candidates the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the layout before moving on to the emergency stop.

Emergency Stop Manoeuvre
This is to take place before the avoidance exercise. If candidates fail the emergency stop they will not be permitted to carry out the avoidance exercise. This should significantly reduce the likelihood of an incident for poorly prepared candidates.

Choosing the Preferred Riding LineRe-positioned cones on the exit of both left and right hand bends allow the rider to choose their preferred riding line.

The Slow Ride
This will now be conducted whilst the candidate rides between the figure of eight and the U-turn manoeuvres. The examiner will observe rather than walk beside the candidate. This will make for a smoother transition from one manoeuvre to another whilst compensating for the extra time required for the candidate to benefit from the additional ride around the circuit bend.

Altering requirements for the Controlled Stop following the Avoidance Exercise
The requirements for the controlled stop following the avoidance exercise will be altered. The first pair of blue cones that currently form the stopping box will be removed for this exercise. The examiner will ask the candidate to stop near the remaining two blue cones. This will allow the candidate a greater length to stop in and also allows flexibility in where they stop. Candidates will still be required to stop under control.

Flexibility of Speed Assessment
For the high speed manoeuvres, DSA intends to introduce a degree of flexibility into the assessment of the speed requirement. There will be a five per cent tolerance of the speed required. (2km/h below 50km/h). Providing the candidate commits no faults, other than not reaching the speed within this tolerance, the examiner should record this as a riding fault rather than a serious fault. (A riding fault will contribute to the result of the test. A serious fault would result in failure)

Rider Faults
The maximum number of rider faults a successful candidate is allowed will remain at five; the number of attempts allowed for the higher speed exercises will also remain unchanged.

To summarise, these changes are designed to address those aspects of the MOD1 test that the motorcycle industry felt needed to be changed.

The key message is that the exercises will remain the same; it is mainly the order in which they are delivered that will change.

This will give candidates more time to settle down and familiarise themselves with the updated layout. This will also give them the opportunity to build up their speed gradually, reducing the risk of candidates riding too fast.

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